October 26, 2016

Death by Desire


Marxists steal our children. They told us they would. We ignore them.

No one born after 1984 has lived in or understands a republic. They have lived through economic chaos; terrorism; big government ascendancy; the convergence of the Party's and the surveillance society.

Technology has brought us many advances but it's truly evil feature has been the loss of privacy. Most people under 30 years old have never lived in a time where they enjoyed any concept of a private life. Their lives are lived on the internet; before the entire world. Parents have happily embraced this 'transparency'. Kids are given internet capable phones at very young ages. Social media is the friend we could never have when we were children. Acceptance. Love. Understanding. It all comes from an electronic device.

Privacy is inculcated in the American Ideal. Individualism is dependent on ones ability to pursue ones goals and ambitions without outside interference. NOTHING is done in Modern America without outside interference. We lay our lives before the world. This is antithetical to the ideal of our founding.

There are several very basic instincts of human beings. Desire is foremost. Desire for food. Desire for sex. Desire for acceptance. These are the strongest of them all. Desire for acceptance is third only to food and sex among the strongest human pursuits. This is the target of the Marxist Ideal. The desire to be accepted. The want of friendship. The need to be a part of the tribe. Think about it. Almost as strong as the need to eat or the desire for sex is the complete obsession with being accepted by ones peers. THIS, is the tool of the collectivist.

Now think. What weakens that desire? What would diminish ones desire to seek out acceptance from strangers? Family? Faith? Absolutely. Which is exactly why these are the two institutions targeted by Marxist Ideology. Family and Faith provide the acceptance and sense of belonging that keep one from straying to surrogate 'families'. This is precisely why collectivists target these institutions for destruction. It is no coincidence that American traditional values have descended in lock step with the destruction of the American family and the targeting of religious values in our culture. Our nation LIVES and DIES within our families and our faith.

As fathers have abrogated their duty to raise their children; those very children have embraced Socialism. They have sought acceptance in a collective dream after being rejected by a traditional reality. Our own selfishness has delivered our children to the devil himself. And we sit around in shock, wondering what happened to our world. We destroyed it with our narcissism. We destroy life with impunity and wonder why our youth have no respect for life. You didn't think you could murder 10's of millions of innocent babies and just walk away, did you?

Our children have no sense of freedom, respect for life or law. How do we expect them to make a logical decision in the political arena? Government is more of a father to them than we have been. They long for it. They desire it. Government is their saviour. For we are not. Government fills the void that our selfishness has left in their lives. Who can blame them?

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is only possible with the love and support of Family and Faith in the formative years of youth. Deny that to any child; and they will grow up seeking acceptance. They will find it, in gangs and collectivism. May God have mercy on our souls for He will not on our temporal lives.

by: Keith D Rodebush

October 10, 2016

Cold War...cont'd


A Time For War. Searching my historical memory I can’t even secure the file which holds that little idiom. I could Google it but I’m lazy. I write from the heart and that is what you’ll get tonight. The point is obvious. Good, God-fearing Men know that there will always come a time to pound your plowshares into swords. Such is the time in which we live. I wish it were not so. I so wish that my generation had not succumbed to the Siren’s song of Marxism. Yet, they have. The Cold War did not end with the falling of the Berlin Wall as all the world celebrated with youthful zeal. As it is now, so it was then; that so many of my countrymen misunderstand the fight that we are in, but they are awakening my friends!

We were not at war, cold or otherwise, with Mother Russia. We were, and are, at war with Marxism. Oh…you can call it communism, or socialism, or progressivism, or liberalism or any ism you damn well please; but we are not at war with a country, we are at war with an ideology. We have let it infest our vaunted institutions until it has festered into a pustule of an infectious and viral nature. The Cold War continues my friends; and it infects every aspect of our daily lives.

Why do I bring this up now? Many of you understand this; why now? Simply because in a time of war we need a general not a scholar. Oh how I wish a kind, considerate conservative could lead this nation with the masterful hand of reason and righteousness. But alas, that person would NEVER get elected in the current political climate. There was a time, not that long ago, when the choice was between one Patriot or another who simply had different paths to the same goal; a greater America. Many times Americans would vote for one Party for the Administrative branch and another for the legislative. This balanced approach was often fertile for reasonable solutions to current issues. We are long past that time. Our choices today are between America as founded or; an entirely different political system, some form of Statism, Collectivism or what our Founders so eloquently called…Tyranny. In the face of Tyranny, America needs a fighter!

Imagine, if you will, that during WWII our politicians berated us to fire General George S. Patton because of his foul language. In fact, some idiots at that time tried just that for his slapping a cowardly soldier. Forget that the Nazi’s may win the war, we cannot allow such vulgarity. Are you kidding me? Unfortunately, no. Such is the state of GOP ‘leader’ship.

At this point in time in our current political nightmare; our only hope is to elect an outsider that will take on BOTH the liberal elite AND the GOP establishment and wrest control of our government from the Crony Socialists of BOTH Parties. If you want to make an argument for voting against Donald Trump in the Republican primary, as I did, you can make that fairly easily. However, he won handily and our choice is now him or Hillary. Only a stone-cold moron would allow Hillary Clinton to even sniff the seat of the Oval Office. We cannot be sure what a President Trump will do in office. We can even be fairly sure that he will embarrass the Hell out of us at least occasionally.

But…we know exactly what Hillary Clinton will do to this nation. From her Alinsky dissertation in college, to her Healthcare fiasco, Bimbo eruptions, Senate record, 2008 campaign, Secretary of State failure, Muslim ‘right-hand Man’ Huma Abedin, Benghazi security failure, State secrets stupidity, Clinton Foundation corruption, lying, lying, lying, Russia reset, Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, arming terrorists, leaving Americans to die, lying to their families over their corpses, lying under oath, deleting evidence under subpoena, subverting America to Islam, open borders, Wall Street corruption, speeches, speeches, speeches, $$, $$, $$, an entire life of selling access to the People’s Treasury for her own personal gain, viciously attacking the victims of her husband’s sexual assaults, using the IRS against the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ and on and on and on and on…ONLY A COMPLETE AND UTTER IDIOT would even entertain the thought of this woman as President of the United States of America…OR…an enemy of the State who knows all that she does and agrees with it. Now you know how to view each and every person who evenly tacitly supports this vile and evil creature of Marxist politics. She divides us!
THIS is the enemy of the Nation that we face. Only a hard-nosed street-fighter with NO regard to political correctness has any chance to defeat this threat to national security who is 100% supported by ALL major media outlets. Pardon me, if I don’t give a damn about Trump’s coarseness, and childish sexual banter. Damn the torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!

President Donald Trump needs to secure our borders, deport law-breaking ILLEGAL aliens, start a dialogue on the incompatibility of Islam with Constitutional republicanism, tear up all of the idiot trade bills, PROSECUTE HILLARY CLINTON and put a stick in the eye of the GOP ‘leadership’ at every opportunity; nothing else. After that, we can move on and have an adult talk about how we return this nation to its Founding Principles of Life, Liberty and Property.


by: Keith D. Rodebush

October 3, 2016

What Gain Division?


Politics, by it's very nature is divisive. In America, the emergence of the destructive two-Party system that George Washington warned us against, makes it even more so. Two Party's make for a clear division of the country, at least that used to be the case. This system is ripe for insurrection by an outside entity, say Marxism. The Reds have found it relatively easy historically speaking, to infiltrate one Party and dominate thereby setting up a 50% chance of success in any given election.

In the early days of communist insurrection into Europe in the early 20th century, communists were forced to form third or fourth Party's in any attempt to overtake a nation without open violent revolution, greatly diminishing their success. They often tried 'partnering' with other Party's as they did with the National Socialists in Germany ca 1936, only to be discarded when no longer needed. However, in America they found a system that would turn out to be the most fertile petri dish for incubating Marxist dogma in all the world, albeit a slow-germinating process.

Marxist theology (yes, it's a religion) has long held that success can only be had by the destruction of Private Property. Control of the masses comes from controlling production, which clothes and feeds them. Early communists were Hell-bent on physical actual State control of said production but Marxists have always been like a virus, constantly morphing in response to negative stimuli creating a new, more virulent strain. One only needs to control production through Statist government to achieve the same goal. In private moments this is one of Barak Hussein Obama's proudest assertions.

How then, does one destroy Private Property in a nation founded on this very principle? The answer is two-fold and as usual can be found in Marxist teachings reaching back over 100 years. Marxists have been very straight forward in teaching that the destruction of Private Property rights depends on fealty to the State. There are two institutions inexplicably intertwined with Liberty that are the bulwark of the American system as often stated by the Founders; religion and family. In religion one's primary fealty is to God. In a family one's primary fealty is to the paterfamilias (head of household; typically father, but not necessarily so). In the American system of government it has ALWAYS been, God; Family; Country. Even if one did not believe in a deity, it was still, Family; Country. It becomes obvious that to make the State (Country) prima, one needs to destroy God and Family.

Even though the seeds were already there in Marxist ideology, around the 1960's the American communists realized that education was a primary means of destroying both of these vaunted institutions. They have ruthlessly infiltrated and overwhelmed that most beautiful success of Liberty. These institutions now routinely hire radical revolutionaries in the name of 'diversity'. Eventually, these revolutionaries culled the herd of any and all diametric thought as is so obvious today. At their core they are Fascists and none but the indoctrinated are tolerated. Interestingly, they have audaciously committed this sin in the name of love and tolerance, fawned upon by the Presstitutes and cultural whores who profit from being adored by unsuspecting masses. The sad but predictable result is multiple generations of the children of Liberty who instinctively hate all that is Good, Wholesome and Decent.

How, you might ask, does a cabal of communists so quickly turn the children of the greatest nation on earth against it's own nature? With their oldest tool; division. To divide against such strong ties as family and faith, one must first re-define what is good as bad. Therefore, they engage in a relentless diatribe about the two most easily divisive subjects. Class and Race. Class warfare destroys the hope of free-market capitalism and Race warfare destroys the promise of Liberty. Convince the downtrodden who will always be a part of any civilization (not everyone will succeed) that they are not responsible for their station; the system is at fault. Convince minorities that Liberty was never meant for them; their failure is not by government programs which destroy the family, it is inherent in the 'racist' system. Convince the deviant that they are not ostracize for their behavior but for their existence by religious dogma. Do this, and you can enslave a nation. 

I have no intent to downplay real class warfare; nepotism, corruption and empowerment of the State over the People (Google Bush OR Clinton). Or real racism; the soft racism of low expectations. Or real religious dogma; the Fascism of a totalitarian ideology covered with the Burka of 'a religion of peace'. But oddly enough, these are not the enemy of the Marxists; in fact all of the above are part and parcel of their 'means to a Utopian end'. 

What gain is there for the poor from a Statist power base doling out the scraps of federal programs inefficiently and corruptly? The greatest avenue for prosperity among the poor is the ability to achieve wealth through the accumulation of Private Property. Numerous minorities have achieved same in this, the greatest nation on earth in times past. Taxation, regulation, welfare Statism and constant racial division by politicians solely for personal power and wealth have stymied that dream. The destruction of Private Property rights wreaks far more misery on the poor than the rich, who have the resources, and connections to government to withstand the onslaught. The destruction of Lehman Brothers in 2008 was the sacrificial lamb, while Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and others escaped richer than ever. Take your food stamps, hate Republicans and shut up!

What gain has a minority in America to destroy the very Liberty that was promised, sanctified in blood and verified through the rule of law? No matter the occasional and inevitable individual racism, institutional racism was nearly destroyed in America until the Marxist instituted reverse racism through racial quotas, racist welfare programs, abortion (primarily targeted to poor minority communities) and the fomenting of racial strife which encourages further racism by otherwise well-meaning, hard-working citizens? 'Black Lives Matter' does NOT enjoin Americans; it divides them inexorably. They pit us against each other so that they may rule. Fervent racial animosity is a convenient pacifier as they slip the chains upon your ankles!

What gain has the Judeo-Christian bulwark of Liberty by embracing sin, ignoring God's word and having fellowship with a 'religion' whose prophet instituted slavery, misogyny, Fascism and terror? All of the Founders acknowledged that a truly free society can only exist with the engagement of virtuous and educated people (classically educated, not indoctrinated). Even the atheists, it was understood, would have a sense of virtue by fellowship with their deist neighbors. The dominance of moral direction that true religion provides is a vital component of continued Liberty. A free people must be inherently disposed to the freedom of their neighbors. This is why they also universally recognized that the Musselmen were antithetical to Liberty based on their ideological fealty to theological totalitarianism. There is no freedom in Sharia law. There is no individualism with allah.

In closing; Marxists told us that to succeed they must destroy the family and religion. The Marxists told us that the best avenue to achieve this was through class and race warfare. The Marxists told us that the quickest way to do this without violent revolution, was to indoctrinate the children into believing that their nation, their religion and their families were founded illegitimately, were inherently racist and corrupt. We fall all over ourselves to send our children to the very institutions which foment this 'progressive' lie. We vote for the very politicians who trip over each other to conform to the Marxist bludgeon of silence, political correctness. We give trillions of dollars through commerce to corporations who blindly adhere to the cultural Marxist dogma, condemning our daughters to look over their shoulders during the seemingly innocent process of using a restroom. We personally clasp the chains of tyranny around our own and our children's ankles. Our shame is nonpareil

In a society whose primary fascination is sexual voyeurism, can there be any other outcome? Educate yourself. Read the Founding documents over and over. Read the Founder's letters to each other. Read Burke, Smith, de'Toqueville, Adams and Jefferson obsessively. Teach your grandchildren to read hardback History books, read their Bibles, how to shoot and how independence is gained through rugged individualism and Liberty. And most of all, teach them that we secure our freedom together, as one nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Teach them to challenge the lies of Marxism at all times, at all opportunities and at all costs!

May God continue to bless this, the greatest nation ever devised by Man with the blessings of Providence.

by: Keith D. Rodebush