August 15, 2017

RED Supremacists


Much is being made lately of those evil 'White Supremacists'. It would be almost laughable, if not so damned tragic. People are dying, being maimed and blinded over a very small, sardonically stupid group of wannabes who really think they're going to get the Nazi band back together. They had protests in my hometown when I was growing up. It was always a small group, we mostly ignored or laughed at them, and the police were always out in force to protect their 'right to free speech' without having the town blown up with violence. They were and are a joke. Here we are 40 years later and the Fascist Left would have us believe they are an existential threat to America. Again laughable if not tragic. The truth behind this idiocy is that the Fascist Left is losing in America at the ballot box. They have been for quite some time. If you took the first Black (Red) president out of the mix in fact, many would question whether the Democrats were even a viable American political Party at this point.

Oddly enough, the reason for their demise is exactly what they think sustains them. While they may be able to point at a large portion of their youthful base and think it's working, what sustains them is a poisonous concoction delivered like a morphine drip. It is slowly poisoning the Party to imminent death and the Munchausen Media keep resuscitating them to spew another volley of destruction at the very nation that allows their freedom to be stupid. What pray tell is this deadly elixir? Hate and division right out of the Marxist playbook. Friedrich Engels wrote about it incessantly for decades in all the many variations of the Communist Manifesto in all the different languages that it was printed. Don't expect your average Antifa idiot to know about this; they only know what they've been told to know. They don't read hardback books and they don't think critically.

Yes, my friends it is not White Supremacy that is bringing America to the precipice of destruction, it is Red Supremacy. That's right, good old fashioned communism albeit with a new hairdo and better clothes right off the Abercrombie rack. Marxian idealism has permeated our culture and colleges for so long that we have at least two generations coming of age who know no different than that Socialism is cool and righteous and constitutional republicanism is a quaint racist scam perpetrated on an unsuspecting populace of rubes without the sophistication of this new proletariat we've bred. They have the internet, you know . These mal-educated feral Faustian's have the Devil as their Schwager and the vitality of youth. They are useful idiots of the first order being led by nefarious groups who make trillions of dollars off of their efforts. They also have not a clue what they are fighting for.

Gone are the days of deriding Socialists for destroying economies and thereby hurting the very people they claim to represent. The poor are always the hardest hit when economies fail. Hello Venezuela. Seen Sean Penn or Danny Glover down there lately? No, the vermin scatter like the disease infested scum they are when the inevitable result of their ignorance befalls the people caught in the wake of their Utopian orgasm. Gone are the days of blacklisting anyone idiotic enough to publicly admit their traitorous Red leanings. Gone are the days of teaching our children of the countless MILLIONS of human beings whose rotting corpses make up the altar base for worshipping the Red heroes. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Ho chi Min, Pol Pot, Chiang Kai-shek, Kim il Sung, Che Guevara, the list goes on and the death toll is unfathomable and yet THESE are their kindred souls though very few could possibly be convinced, their capacity for thought being so ephemeral.
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,You ain't gonna make it with anyone any how. - John Lennon
How wrong he turned out to be. Just so happens if you keep at it long enough, infiltrate the school system in the face of disinterested parents; you can make Chairman Mao a bigger hero than Thomas Jefferson just like the Democrats have done in 21st century America!

The Red Supremacy is ONLY possible through the Munchausen Media. They have been entirely infested with Red fever and all pretense is off. They openly espouse Socialist mantra on a daily basis without so much as a fleeting thought to it's inherent evil. The cycle of sickness and resurrection continues as the Fascist Left alienates themselves from the visceral core of every true American; Liberty and Justice for ALL. No not just the chosen few. All Americans deserve justice. Do we get justice from a Democrat president? No, we get lies, political intrigue, partisan deviation from legal norms. Black Panthers guilty? NO! How about a Christian baker? CRUCIFY him! Protect our embassy? NO! Let them DIE, we'll blame it on a video. Outsider in the Oval Office? Oh, HELL no! We'll stage a relentless coup against the will of the American people. All to protect the new Bourgeoisie of the Red Supremacy. Their arrogance and condescension is palpable. They justify their ruthless tactics because they are SUPREME. They know sooo much more than you Plebes. Step aside and be ruled Peons! THIS is the Red Supremacy and it is destroying the country that I love!! May they be damned to HELL.

This is the true fight. It is a Civil War make no mistake. I do not use that language lightly for it is fraught with horrible consequences. But it is the proper language when a nation is invaded by a Red Army determined to 'fundamentally change' America. We knew what it meant back then but you cowardly guilt-ridden suburban Whites thought you could assuage your guilt by voting for a 'Black' man. Well, you didn't vote for a Black man you voted for a RED man and a pitiful smidgeon of research would have told you so. I knew it before he even won the nomination. Why didn't you?

If you are a Black man in America, you better trust me Brother! You have WAAAYYYY more to fear from a Red Communist Utopian fanatic than you ever have, in my lifetime, from a marginalized Neo-Nazi with a bad haircut and a homemade T-shirt. Don't forget, Nazi's were National Socialists, yes Red Supremacists! When it comes time to stomp the shit out of some Nazi ass-wagons, call me! I'll come running. But our true fight right now is the Red Supremacy. Please join me in stomping the shit out of them! Let's make it cool to hate Commies again! And please, the next time you are exercising your God-given right to protest, and you find a douchebag next to you waving a Nazi flag; stomp his face and throw his flag in the trash...and let the world see you do it. And if you are asked why you did it, you tell them that you don't allow Red Supremacy in the United States of by GOD America! Amen. Keith D. Rodebush

P.S. I apologize for my language. When my passions are high the Marine comes out and I find my rhetorical skills wanting to impart the passion properly. Perhaps a better study of Literature would have buttressed the self-made man.