December 28, 2013

Emotional Tyranny


It is both fascinating and tragic to witness the extent to which Marxist Ideology has been successful in convincing millions of people that their best interests lie in subjugating themselves to the rule of a few over the many. In pursuit of equality they institute bigotry. In the interest of comfort they curse their progeny with slavery. Nothing is real in the land of the ‘useful idiot’. They preach freedom while they steal liberty. Through federal restriction and regulation on everything from stock ponds to light bulbs to soda pop they propagate oppression in the name of kindness. They preach equality for one group while trouncing the religious liberty of another group. Inequality in pursuit of equality. They protest immigration law by ignoring and flaunting the law; oblivious to the fact that in a land where laws are flaunted no one is safe from government oppression. Oppression to save the oppressed. Only the ill-educated and emotionally undeveloped mind could possibly buy in to such backward thinking. And yet, they do so by the 10’s of millions right here in the Land of the Free. How is it possible for that many people to be fooled so readily? I have a notion what may be the culprit.

Most right-thinking Americans are already aware the state of public education is abysmal and no amount of dollars from the Treasury will fix it. However, this cannot be the entire story. People leave school, they enter the real world, they learn anew. No, there is another element that is retarding the normal learning process. There must be something much deeper within the human psyche that allows such a visceral rejection of all reason and logic in favor of the progressive leadership’s cause du jour.

To understand this one must first understand liberal ideology and where its tenants are based. First, I hate the word liberal as it is used in contemporary political discourse. In America, they started as Progressives until the people learned their true aim was regressive and anti-American. Then they changed to Communists until Joe McCarthy exposed them and the nation showed its avarice towards anyone who would dare destroy the Peoples Liberty. So of course they simply changed their moniker to Liberal; another classic misdirection, using the old form of liberty-loving individuals like our Founders to foist slavery upon the People. Just like Progressive’s weren’t progressive; neither are Liberals liberty-loving. Many have lately taken to calling themselves Progressives again so sphere of obfuscation is complete.

What are they really? Of course they are simply Marxists. Now your college professor will give you a very narrow definition of Marxism in your ‘Everyone Must Hate Conservatives’ class. But Marx and Engels had no such narrowness to their ideology. As the Marxist Bible, The Communist Manifesto was printed in alternate languages there were always prefaces or post script comments that are very revealing. Marxism was always meant to be fluid; to adapt to different cultures; to be incremental and stealth.

“The practical application of the principles will depend, as the Manifesto itself states, everywhere and at all times, on the historical conditions for the time being existing…” Preface to the 1872 German Edition - The Communist Manifesto

For the sake of brevity and to proceed to the finer point, let us put Marxism ‘in a nutshell’ as they say:

·        the right of the Collective supersedes individual rights

·        the Proletariat should seize the means of production (in the American rendition this is done by the State FOR the collective) [the 1872 German edition clearly states that the Proletariat could never seize and properly administer the means of production]

·        a progressive tax structure; redistribution of wealth; rob the rich to help the poor

·        diminish property rights; a further tool for the redistribution of wealth; no one should own land or have rights to the fruits of their labor

·        equality of outcome in lieu of equality of opportunity; a Utopia that will never exist; FORCED equality (irony is lost on them)

Now, any rudimentary observance of modern Liberals proves clearly that they are indeed simply little Marxists under a new banner. In public they scoff at such a comparison despite its clearly apparent truth. This is telling as they know they must LIE to sell their snake oil. The professors in your state colleges are not nearly as shy. They will openly embrace Marxism with the old stale argument, “…if it was just properly implemented, we would all be better off.”

Okay, we have clearly demonstrated that it is simply Marxist Ideology that we are up against. So, the important point for this discussion is how do they implement same? It has always been true that Marxism is divisive in nature. It has always been the Proletariat against the Bourgeoisie. One citizen fighting another; this IS Marxism. Offensive fighting comes from hate which comes from fear which comes from ignorance. The root of communist insurgency is demonstrably emotional in nature. This is at the core of all modern Marxism; human emotion used to stir the People into fighting one another; thereby allowing the State to control the People, ‘for their own good.’ Divide and conquer. Sun Tzu would be proud.

And finally, this brings us to my notion. In order for virus of Marxism to successfully invade a healthy population, it requires an ignorant and emotional base. Ignarus Semino Dominatus (Ignorance Breeds Tyranny). To be ignorant one must ignore facts. What are the contributing factors to the emergence of such a large base within the populace of a republic; otherwise free and educated? Once we understand the hierarchy of the emotional element within Marxism, a clue emerges. Like a Sherlock Holmes mystery, a single fiber upon a lapel can lead to the solution of a complicated case. What is our single fiber which explains how an otherwise educated populace can act so ignorant?


Or in this case the lack thereof. Love is the strongest of human emotions. Its counterpart Hate is a close second. As we have discussed previously, hate comes from fear and ignorance. But love is the strongest and is natural to all humankind. Imagine if you will, a populace which feels void of this most important human emotion? Imagine the desperation and fervent search to fill that void within the human consciousness? Literature is rife with tales of the daughter whose father was distant and cold, or merely absent, who seeks out older men and typically falls victim to the abusive sort. Attempting to fill a chasm within her soul she is blinded and susceptive to control. I propose that we have a populace bordering on a majority that is consumed by the thought that they are not truly loved. They desperately seek something to fill the vast void within them left behind from a childhood in which they believe no one truly cared for them. Their early lives become a quixotic fight to find something to supplant their desperate need with comfort and hope.

It may be from the indifference and selfishness of divorced parents, many of whom play their children against one another. It may be from upper middle class families who struggle through high taxation and regulatory oppression with dual incomes thereby forcing the mother from the home, her children raised by schools, grandmothers or other surrogates. It may even be as nuanced as so-called helicopter parents, who in attempting to fill their own chasm of abandonment, smother their children with oppressive attention which is transparently selfish. “I’m a good parent” printed on their forehead alerts the child to the attendant lack of true love for the child and self-serving intent. Whatever the avenue, and we today have as many as an entire world of New York City’s; our children are growing up feeling like no one actually cares about them in a fundamental way. Tragically there are far too many who will use this emotional suffering to control these people.

And here you have the root of modern American politics, epitomized in the constant campaign of Barak Obama. Every speech he gives is towards one purpose only; to further the mantra that he cares about you and conservatives do not. He loves you even as he cancels your insurance. He loves you even as he steals from the People’s Treasury. He loves you as he destroys the greatest economy the world has known. He loves you as he raises rates on utilities making the poor even more destitute. He loves you as he diminishes your nation around the world allowing violent Islam to profligate. Obama turns economic disadvantage to utter desperation for the Black community yet he loves them; and they love him. Only complete blindness to the reality and deplorable effect of Barak Obama’s philosophy, the degradation of capitalism and American Exceptionalism, could allow him to succeed in implementing same. Only the strongest human emotion will allow this blindness; (the search for) love.  Mitt Romney loses an election; not because he isn’t brilliant, not because he doesn’t understand economics, not because he doesn’t love Liberty; not because he wouldn’t make us more prosperous; not because he wouldn’t make us stronger; no…he loses because a sufficient number of American voters believe he doesn’t care for them personally.

The American people are easily convinced that a truly grass roots movement of normal working folks whose only real purpose is to reign in oppressive government and restore the U.S. Constitution’s limits of federal power, are hateful racists; because ‘they don’t care about you but Barak Obama does and that’s why they are against him’. Not only does he love you but he is the only one who does.

The American Liberal Voter is the battered woman of so much literature; desperately searching for someone to replace a lost childhood that can never be restored. Politics becomes a sickening game of lovers and haters. We love you. They hate you. Now put some ice on that; I promise I won’t do it again.

There is nothing stronger than Love. Jesus Christ gave His very life so the entire world could be saved of their sins. Such is the greatest Love of all. Such is the power of that love. A childhood void of the love of mother AND father,  void of the pure love of Jesus Christ, is the fruitful ground upon which tyranny is grown. Marxism = Hate yet it is sold as Love; even as it destroys all it touches. Love is blind…and so is the modern Liberal.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

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