Just how stupid are we? Consider:
Hillary Clinton is currently fashioning her
presidential campaign around the notion that she is just an average gal,
fighting the bourgeoisie to empower the downtrodden in America. Stop. No
seriously, stop laughing. You think this is funny but consider. This woman hasn’t
worked a real day in her life since college. She has accomplished everything
she set out to do and then some. She is wealthy beyond calculation because she
is so good at hiding her wealth in her stature. IOW she uses the trappings of
her position to save her own wealth. She doesn’t pay for housing, she doesn’t
pay for transportation, she doesn’t pay for clothing, she doesn’t pay for
utilities, she doesn’t pay for insurance, she doesn’t pay for…well anything
really. Who pays? YOU do sucker! You and untold numbers of donors to the ‘Clinton
Foundation’, naught but a money laundering operation. And yet, the
aforementioned ploy is working and will work. She will be seen as the champion
for the poor just as Barak Hussein Obama was and is seen as the bridge across
the races. Now, who’s stupid? (At this point early in the election cycle many
love to contemplate that she will be challenged seriously from the Left. Wait
and see how the machine DESTROYS her detractors) She cannot afford to lose. She
has collected BILLIONS from foreign donors who expect a payback.
Our president just negotiated a deal that
will allow the world’s most prolific sponsor of terrorism attain a nuclear
weapon; and the nation yawns. Because of the success of Anti-Semitism inherent
in the current Democrat Party ideology; the vast majority of American voters
have not a clue nor an inclination to learn, what the ramifications of this
treasonous policy will wrought on the world.
Sexual preference is quickly becoming a
vastly more protected class than the two oldest religions in Western society.
The one ideology that has the least
historical claim to religious status is the most protected ideology worldwide;
despite a historical record of barbarism and fascism.
In the United States of America, a Mexican
flag is considered free speech but an American flag is considered an
inflammatory and racist instigation to violence by ‘Mexican-Americans’.
The organization responsible for the vastly
disproportionate murder of black babies (Planned Parenthood; founded by eugenicists),
is uniquely supported by the Party which receives ~95% of the Black vote.
The most inefficient means of producing
energy receive the largest percentage of subsidies from the People’s Treasury.
Despite an approval rating below 20%;
Congressmen in 2012 were re-elected at a rate exceeding 90%.
With the most powerful, best trained, well-funded
and technologically advanced military the world has ever known, America has
LOST or TIED every major war since World War II. (Some will argue we won the
Gulf War, but any serious analysis of the region disputes the overall veracity
of such claims)
Billions of dollars from the People’s
Treasury continue to prop up an organization (The United Nations) that has
operated against the interest of the American people for decades.
Despite the Founding documents of the United
States of America’s pledge to protect Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness; our nation cannot seem to find the dignity to protect the most
innocent of ALL LIFE; a human baby. It’s the FIRST DAMN ONE!
Wearing a Ché Guevara (a murderous Marxist) T-shirt
is protected free speech; but wearing an American flag T-shirt or anything
depicting military excellence is prohibited on many school campuses.
The people who pay no taxes, and indeed
receive largess from their more successful neighbors, accuse same of being
The most intolerant people in America today
are those who are the most intolerant…and the largest corporations in the world
cower at their feet.
American Jews vote overwhelmingly for the
most Anti-Semitic Party in American history.
So-called Conservatives/Libertarians trip all
over themselves to pass legislation securing a right already ensconced in the
U.S. Constitution, the right to keep and BEAR arms, ignoring the obvious intent
of such laws; a federal database of gun owners.
A man who molested numerous women and took
advantage of an intern under his charge, then lied in a court deposition about
same; enjoys a 55% approval rating among American voters. 55%. Belongs in
prison; resides in our hearts.
Americans who decide to go overseas and fight
with a terrorist organization so despicable, even Al-Qaeda says they go
overboard (ISIS) are allowed to return the United States because they ‘have a
right to return’ according to our very own State Department.
The greatest vitriol of the American press is
saved for the singular free country in the Middle East, Israel.
MSNBC is still on the air.
Al-Jazeera America was sold for Millions.
The person with one of the largest carbon
footprints in the world is the champion of carbon offsets.
Global Warming aka ‘Climate Change’ is still
spoken about daily worldwide as a legitimate concern despite decades of
evidence as to its complete and utterly laughable lack of scientific basis.
Belief in God and Creation is impugned as
fairy worship while belief that Man evolved through multiple birth defects,
despite ZERO evidence of a GOOD birth defect, is considered highly
Terrorists, Marxists, racist and incompetent
ideologues are ensconced in almost every major American university…and this
Spring MILLIONS of American parents are spending numerous hours and tons of
money trying to get their children accepted to same.
Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Barak Hussein
Obama, traded a known deserter for 5 of the vilest terrorist enablers in the
history of Mankind…and our nation yawns.
The Muslim Brotherhood puts out a manifesto
of how they will defeat America from within; and an American president invites
them to the White House, supports them in Egypt and hires their members as
advisors, and America yawns.
Karl Marx is more influential in American
politics than James Madison.
I rest my case.
by: Keith D. Rodebush
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