May 14, 2018

Military Heads In The Cloud


I have to admit. Even after 40 years of interest in military tactics and 'strategery', I never saw this coming. Just when I think our government can not POSSIBLY be more stupid; they prove me wrong.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

May 7, 2018

What Millenials Need To Know


If and when the younger generations learn and know what Liberty and Free-Market Capitalism really are and what they do for each individual, we will be a Free Nation once again. Bank on it!

by: Keith D. Rodebush

May 3, 2018

Desperate, Corrupt Politicians Shaped Trump Racist Narrative


A follow up to the last video. How do they get us to hate Donald Trump? Not difficult to figure out, and yes, he gave them some ammunition. All Americans need to be very away of how the Marxists use hate to divide us and rule over us. Get off the Liberal Plantation!

by: Keith D. Rodebush

Why Do They Hate President Trump?


Politics is a dirty business and there is enough hate to go around, especially during an election year. The sheer vitriol pointed at President Donald J. Trump is unprecedented in modern times. One must wonder, why do they hate this man so? I believe I have the answer. As a warning; never have unprotected discourse. Protect yourself with the prophylactic of knowledge.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

April 30, 2018

Soul & Heart


Nothing is more important than your soul. Please don't be flippant in your free will choice to believe or not believe. The two greatest gifts of God are Grace and Free Will. God loves us all, but he will not force you to Heaven. He allows you to decide for yourself. The ramifications of that decision however, are LITERALLY eternal. Let us be diligent and thoughtful therefore in our most important decision of our short lives. May God Bless you all.

Incidentally, some of you may notice that I always say 'May' God Bless...It is a small thing and I don't think the Big Guy will condemn you for not using this form of blessing. It is however, a nice tool for keeping us humble and understanding our place. God Bless You; is a demand for the Lord to do something. Bestowing a blessing is to ask for a gift; therefore we say 'May' God Bless.

Keith D. Rodebush

April 17, 2018

Who Is The Target Of Censorship?


Isn't it amazing how easily and comfortably the American public accepts censorship? Many think it is good. We'll get rid of those racists and radicals dirtying the airwaves. One question. Who decides what is or isn't acceptable? Not you my friend, not you. 

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 26, 2018

Fake Science


People ask me why I hate Science. Nothing could be further from the truth. I LOVE science. I HATE fake science, driven by the almighty dollar!

by: Keith D. Rodebush

Life Without God


After every mass shooting event we ask: WHY? Stop it! You know why. You simply don't care. If you did, you wouldn't have allowed it...

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 19, 2018

What Liberals Want to Destroy


A few glitches in this video. However, the content is important so I will publish it. It's not about me or how it looks; it is about knowledge. There are four legs to the stool of progress of humankind. Liberals are like beavers, chewing away at all four legs.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 13, 2018

A Scottish Lullaby


I was inspired to write a Scottish Lullaby. I couldn't get anyone else to sing I had to. You should listen for entertainment purposes if nothing else. Any real musician who would like to render this professionally is hereby released to do so. I

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 12, 2018

Fried Rice?


Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter of inquiry to former UN Ambassador Susan Rice. The context was regarding an email that she sent to herself documenting a meeting with Former President Barak Hussein Obama. Hmmm...

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 8, 2018

The Reputation of the FBI


The FBI has a history. Some of it is very good. wanting. Reputation is earned, not simply given because of one's place within a government bureaucracy.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 3, 2018

What Makes Liberals Tick?


Is it a worthy exercise to try to figure out why Liberals are as obstinate and obtuse as they are?
Perhaps we should simply defeat them at every opportunity.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

February 1, 2018

'The Memo' ... Is About Us!


How did we get to a point where a sitting President uses the intelligence community to spy on his political opponents? The 'Patriot' Act...that's how. Yes sir, it's OUR fault.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 28, 2018

Missed Information


Don't stop with your first Google search. They are manipulating the data you are 'allowed' to see. Research endlessly your whole life and constantly update your conclusions based on all information available, not just what they TELL you to think.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 25, 2018

All Criminals Are Created Equal


Under our Constitution, if you allow one person to benefit from a crime, you MUST allow ALL citizens to benefit from crime.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

Don't Be a Sucker


Marxist Ideology, and therefore the Democrat Party, is built on division. Division is how they gain power and control over you. Liberty is about freedom and Marxism/Socialism/Progressivism/Liberalism/Communism/Fascism/Democrats are ALL about CONTROL. Do you long to be controlled? If so, move to Venezuela now; before they eat each other.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 23, 2018

Is Art Dead?


A commentary on whether Art has progressed to it's maximum forward movement. Is all Art from this point on simply a lateral move, encompassing known art?

by" Keith D. Rodebush

Bad People Appoint Bad People


Let's not elect anymore radicals to the highest position in the land shall we? Barak Obama's DOJ and FBI may be involved in felonious activity. If you were under investigation and lost your text messages, what prison would you go to?

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 17, 2018

A Potpourri of Issues


A few different things to discuss. Success of DJT. Obama economy vs. Trump economy. Middle Ease and Iran etc. Thank you as always for watching, sharing and commenting. May God Bless.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 14, 2018

What Am I Doing Here?


A quick explanation of my intent RE: Video Blogs


by: Keith D. Rodebush

Are the American People ready for the First Black President to be Charged With Felonies?


A question for the American People. If a living former President of the United States of America committed multiple felonies; should we prosecute him regardless of the obvious fallout? What if he was the first Black President? Does that matter? Is the rule of law more important than domestic tranquility?


by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 12, 2018

Global Warming is Your Friend!


As Central Texas enjoys some sub freezing weather; just a gentle reminder. Global Warming in your friend!

by: Keith D. Rodebush

January 10, 2018

Cliven Bundy Exoneration & Murder of Lavoy Finicum


Some background on the Bundy Ranch and Malheur Refuge protests. Should we fear our government? Or...should they fear We the People? Your decision on this determines whether your grandchildren will praise you, or spit on your grave. THEY live with your decision.

by: Keith D. Rodebush

May God continue to bless the United States of America.

January 4, 2018

Winners and Losers in Trump/Bannon Fallout


Make no mistake my friends; the LOSER is this little fracases, is the American People.

President Trump and Steve Bannon Fallout:

by: Keith D. Rodebush
A little further commentary based on recent developments.