What to say about a group of people who lie about everything they are and their opponents are not? If a group must constantly lie to you then that tells you all you need to know about them. And I don't mean the typical political lie, i.e. "If you send me to Washington I will work tirelessly for you the American people." Yes, that's a lie too 99 times out of a 100 if not more. We know how D.C. corrupts and we know why but I'm talking about something different. I'm talking about a lie about your core; about what makes you the person you are; the fundamental beliefs that animate your passions and ideology. Regardless of political obfuscation and pandering, why would a single person vote for someone like this, barring stupidity?
Do you have any examples Keith? I'm glad you asked sir, in fact I have many; we'll limit our selves for this discussion:
- Constitution. What could be more sacrosanct in our system of government? Privately, or when feeling smarmy or in the comfort of their friends Liberals mock the Constitution. They lambaste it as a document written by a bunch of White property holders who only wanted to oppress the rest of the nation. What idiot would believe that? So I will oppress the masses by enshrining inalienable rights into the primary legal document of the nation? It is childish and moronic sophistry. Yet the Liberal hero, Barak Hussein Obama did so many times. On tape saying that the document was a 'Bill of Negative Rights' because it says what government can't do, not what it can do. Uh...that was the entire point there skippy! Geesh! And this is the smart one theoretically. Then when out of power or favor and failing to get their oppressive agenda through, they will pull the Constitution out like a sword some watery tart has handed them from the Mythical Lake. This is most often for a horrendous purpose, i.e. killing babies, comforting enemies of America or protecting law breakers such as ILLEGAL immigrants. Never forget, Liberals went to their old standby, the court system to bestow upon our enemy in a time of war, Constitutional protections that do not and never have existed. Protections that reach all the way to the desert of Afghanistan to non-citizens sworn to annihilate all Americans on the field of battle. THIS is the modern Democrat Party.
- Nazis and Fascists. Liberals spend their entire lives pointing and screaming to the top of their lungs, "Racists! Fascists! Nazis!" at their enemies. Don't forget their hero Saul Alinsky (the one who dedicated his book to Satan) schooled them to always accuse their enemies of what they themselves do in order to create confusion. Nazis were Socialists. Fascists were Statists. And the KKK was created by Democrats as a response to losing the Civil War. The only Grand Kleagal of the KKK to serve in Congress in modern times was DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd; a Clinton hero. Liberals are currently virtue signaling by tearing down statues of their old Dead Democrat heroes. Liberals are the most anti-Semite worldwide; Liberals constantly divide people and segregate them by race; Liberals peddle the soft bigotry of low expectations, constantly whining that minorities simply cannot compete on a level playing field. They MUST be given preferences and guess who gets to control it all? The Fascist Left of course. Why don't they just run on a racist platform? That's who they are. Because they HAVE TO LIE to get elected. Even Black Democrats are racists because their fealty is to Liberalism first and their own culture last. If a Black man becomes a conservative he is attacked, called an Uncle Tom and worst. Why? Because a Black man cannot be anything other than a Democrat. Why? Because he is Black. That is the very definition of racist.
- Freedom of Speech. Democrats LOVE to pull the 1st amendment out of their holster to shove freedom of speech or freedom of the press in our faces. Except, when it is a conservative speaking at a university; a Christian speaking out about homosexuality; or a Jew speaking passionately about Israel's right to exist. All of these instances show Liberals shutting down free speech and even brandishing violence as a means to do it, i.e. the recent 'Antifa' violence in America. They call themselves anti-Fascists while they beat the Hell out of anyone that disagrees with them. The ultimate LIE. The truth is Liberals HATE free speech because that is what exposes them for who they are. Fascist Left technocrats are currently stifling free speech across all Social Media platforms in America; all in the name of tolerance. Yes, the word hypocrisy doesn't even occur to them as they do same.
- Working for the Poor. The largest crock of $#!) peddled by these vermin but often the hardest to point out. After all Liberals are always fighting for minimum wage (not maximum wage mind you), less hours, more 'benefits', free this and that. That's the poor mans agenda, No!?! Well...no. The basis of this fight is Marxism. Marxism's core belief is the destruction of private property. What is the number one avenue for a poor man to become prosperous? Private property. The ability to keep the fruits of one's labor and accumulate more than those who are not willing to work as hard as you. Free-Market capitalism and Liberty are the only TRUE combination that allows ascension across class lines. A pauper can be a king. And THAT is exactly what Liberals want to take away from the proletariat. And yet, notice that they never suggest giving it up themselves? No, the New Bourgeoisie continue hoarding their private property while making it impossible for you to accumulate yours. But they promise to take care of you worthless peons. Therefore you get Al Gore preaching the end of economic growth worldwide in the name of the god Global Warming while he builds a mansion in Tennessee and flies all over the world in fossil fuel burning, pollution spewing private jets and limousines. Bernie Sanders spews class warfare while he buys a new mansion in the mountains with the money he has pilfered from misguided plebes. Hillary Clinton lectures us on equality while she and her husband bilk the Haitians out of millions after a tragedy. Despicable people, LYING to accumulate the very private property they would deny you from having.
- Finally and quickly; how rich is it that the Party that is more Communist than the Russians, now attempts to use Cold War fear of the purveyors of communism, the Russians, to accuse a populist president of somehow colluding with the Ruskies to, I don't know bring Russian freedom, Liberty and capitalism back to America? It is insane and can only be done by a Party whose ENTIRE livelihood is based on ignorance and lies. Pathetic.
(Yes, THAT is evil now. Teachers kick kids out of school for professing this. Welcome to Democrat Socialist America)
by: Keith D. Rodebush