September 28, 2016

Weakness = Death


How many times must History teach the same lesson? How can Mankind’s ignorance repeatedly wreak Hell upon the earth? How can a People, with access to more knowledge than any generation in the history of the world be so blind? Those who study history are shocked at the abject stupidity of the leaders of the world. Do they know and move forward regardless? Are they naïve? Are they evil? The answer to these questions may determine the fate of Mankind. We The People of the freest nation in the history of human kind will determine the fate of the Earth. Do you understand this?


I have struggled with how to present this dilemma. To what extent does my audience understand past history? Certainly, persistent readers of mine are well versed. A small percentage of occasional readers are as well. I would venture to say, however, given the current educational system, a majority of our fellow countrymen have no clue about the peril posed by the current world leadership on the security of this world. If we do not reverse the direction of the last few decades, the conflagration that this world shall endure can only be described as Biblical…perhaps presciently so.


At the end of World War II, America emerged as the leader of the free world. Owing to its necessary but evil collaboration with the Communist Russians to defeat the Nazi’s, America chose a Cold War in lieu of a shooting war with our very partners in victory. The victorious general George S. Patton famously encouraged his leaders to start a war with Russia. In his words, “…we’ll have to fight them eventually. Why don’t we do it now while we have the army in place?” Whether you agree with his brash assertion or not, history has shown that he was at least correct in his concern that Russia was a threat to world peace. 40 years of ‘Cold War’ are presented as prima fascia evidence. How different would the world be today if righteous Men had defeated Russia post-WWII? We will never know. What we do know is that millions have died since in Eastern Europe, Russia, the Balkans, China and Southeast Asia.


Ronald Reagan, perhaps the greatest president of recent history sent Marines to Lebanon in 1982 as ‘peacekeepers’ for an ill-advised United Nations (UN) agreement devised to calm a regional conflict involving Syria, Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia. Regardless if you believe that this deployment was wise, it was never-the-less an extension of American power in a volatile region of the world. After many skirmishes the end result was the bombing of the Marine Barracks in 1983 in which 241 God-fearing Patriots lost their lives. The American response was disappointing at best. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. John Vessey declared, "It is beneath our dignity to retaliate against the terrorists who blew up the Marine barracks." I cannot find the words to describe my disgust at the blatant frivolity of this man’s regard of my fellow Marines. History confirms my visceral response.


In December of 1992 a most comical (not in a funny way) landing of Marines on the shores of the African nation of Somalia was covered by the American media as if it were a weekly reality show. U.S. Marines had to push reporters and cameramen out of their way as they hit the shores. These brave men were sent to this little known country, again as ‘peacekeepers’ to facilitate humanitarian aid to starving Somali’s, victims of a regional conflict. On 25 September of 1993 the famous ‘Black Hawk Down’ incident took place in which American helicopter pilots were killed and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu. Ultimately, American forces were removed from Somalia in one of the most embarrassing episodes in military history.


Both of the aforementioned events were quoted by none other than Osama bin Laden as an impetus for the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. In his words, “…the U.S. response to the Beirut bombing showed the decline of American power and the weakness of the American soldier, who is ready to wage cold wars but unprepared to fight long wars. This was proven in Beirut in 1983, when the Marines fled." The deaths of 2,997 Americans on September 11, 2001 are directly attributable to the feckless and irresponsible actions of American Politicians in the face of adversity. How many have died hence in the misnomed ‘War on Terror’? This blood is not just on their hands…you elected them!


In 2011 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bemused, “We came, we saw, he died!” in response to news of the murder of Libyan leader Mohamar Gaddafi, who had recently agreed to abandon his nuclear ambitions in response to President George W. Bush’s strength in dealing with terrorists and the nations that supported them. Subsequently, thanks to Barak Obama’s ‘leading from behind’ strategy, Libya descended into chaos with terrorist groups vying for power. This culminated in September 01, 2011 when the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya was overrun by terrorists who killed the United States ambassador Chris Stevens whose body was drug through the streets in a victorious if not vile display of dominance over the United States of America. Since then, Libya has deteriorated into a regional conflict in which the terrorists control many venues within the nation. The true body count is unknown to Western bean counters. The U.S. has done little since to prevent same.


In October of 2011 President Barak Hussein Obama announced that a Status of Forces agreement had failed to be reached with the Iraqi government, and as such all forces would be removed from Iraq. The result as we all know was the rise and deplorable reign of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). What followed is the most depraved display of human deviance since the Nazi’s of 1940’s Germany. Christians have been targeted in many countries hence. Again, the true toll in human lives may never be known.


In 2012 president Barak Hussein Obama drew a line in the sand. The use of chemical weapons in Syria would not be tolerated. Chemical weapons were used. Obama did nothing. How many thousands have died since? American policy of supporting ‘moderate’ rebels has been so ill-conceived that much of American money and arms have ended up in the hands of Islamist who have killed thousands of Christians and Kurds, Americans natural allies. 100’s of thousands have died.


This weak American policy in the Middle East has led to mass migration of Muslims to European countries. Liberal Europeans naively accepted these immigrants only to be exposed to multiple terrorist attacks not to mention the daily attacks on women, priests and citizens in France, Sweden and Germany etc. Again, the true toll is unknown and yet to be incurred. Overwhelmed, the Europeans begged the Americans to accept their ‘fair share’ of these immigrants. As we have seen recently, we too pay the price for this weakness with attacks in America. How many will ultimately die due to this stupidity? Time alone will tell. YOU are to blame. YOU elect these idiots to the highest office in the land. One of the two nominees for President of the United States of America promises to bring 100’s of thousands of these people to our cities. 60+ million Americans support her!
I didn't even mention Egypt, where YOUR president supported the Muslim Brotherhood taking over. Only by Gods grace and General Asisi did Egypt escape this peril. If current trends are not reversed the toll in human lives world wide is unfathomable. Weakness, by the ONLY world power dedicated to Liberty and Peace will result in historical death and destruction.
If you will not be strong; Kiss your chains and Die Quietly.

by: Keith D. Rodebush