December 27, 2017

The Importance of President Trump


The importance of the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America:

by: Keith D. Rodebush

Hunting Obama


Will President Donald Trump hold Barak Hussein Obama accountable for his coup attempt?

by: Keith D. Rodebush

Hunting Hillary

Regarding the Trump administrations investigations of Hillary Clinton's Crimes.

by: Keith D. Rodebush
Nex ut tyrannus!

September 19, 2017

Endless LIES


What to say about a group of people who lie about everything they are and their opponents are not? If a group must constantly lie to you then that tells you all you need to know about them. And I don't mean the typical political lie, i.e. "If you send me to Washington I will work tirelessly for you the American people." Yes, that's a lie too 99 times out of a 100 if not more. We know how D.C. corrupts and we know why but I'm talking about something different. I'm talking about a lie about your core; about what makes you the person you are; the fundamental beliefs that animate your passions and ideology. Regardless of political obfuscation and pandering, why would a single person vote for someone like this, barring stupidity?

Do you have any examples Keith? I'm glad you asked sir, in fact I have many; we'll limit our selves for this discussion:

  1. Constitution. What could be more sacrosanct in our system of government? Privately, or when feeling smarmy or in the comfort of their friends Liberals mock the Constitution. They lambaste it as a document written by a bunch of White property holders who only wanted to oppress the rest of the nation. What idiot would believe that? So I will oppress the masses by enshrining inalienable rights into the primary legal document of the nation? It is childish and moronic sophistry. Yet the Liberal hero, Barak Hussein Obama did so many times. On tape saying that the document was a 'Bill of Negative Rights' because it says what government can't do, not what it can do. Uh...that was the entire point there skippy! Geesh! And this is the smart one theoretically. Then when out of power or favor and failing to get their oppressive agenda through, they will pull the Constitution out like a sword some watery tart has handed them from the Mythical Lake. This is most often for a horrendous purpose, i.e. killing babies, comforting enemies of America or protecting law breakers such as ILLEGAL immigrants. Never forget, Liberals went to their old standby, the court system to bestow upon our enemy in a time of war, Constitutional protections that do not and never have existed. Protections that reach all the way to the desert of Afghanistan to non-citizens sworn to annihilate all Americans on the field of battle. THIS is the modern Democrat Party.
  2. Nazis and Fascists. Liberals spend their entire lives pointing and screaming to the top of their lungs, "Racists! Fascists! Nazis!" at their enemies. Don't forget their hero Saul Alinsky (the one who dedicated his book to Satan) schooled them to always accuse their enemies of what they themselves do in order to create confusion. Nazis were Socialists. Fascists were Statists. And the KKK was created by Democrats as a response to losing the Civil War. The only Grand Kleagal of the KKK to serve in Congress in modern times was DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd; a Clinton hero. Liberals are currently virtue signaling by tearing down statues of their old Dead Democrat heroes. Liberals are the most anti-Semite worldwide; Liberals constantly divide people and segregate them by race; Liberals peddle the soft bigotry of low expectations, constantly whining that minorities simply cannot compete on a level playing field. They MUST be given preferences and guess who gets to control it all? The Fascist Left of course. Why don't they just run on a racist platform? That's who they are. Because they HAVE TO LIE to get elected. Even Black Democrats are racists because their fealty is to Liberalism first and their own culture last. If a Black man becomes a conservative he is attacked, called an Uncle Tom and worst. Why? Because a Black man cannot be anything other than a Democrat. Why? Because he is Black. That is the very definition of racist.
  3. Freedom of Speech. Democrats LOVE to pull the 1st amendment out of their holster to shove freedom of speech or freedom of the press in our faces. Except, when it is a conservative speaking at a university; a Christian speaking out about homosexuality; or a Jew speaking passionately about Israel's right to exist. All of these instances show Liberals shutting down free speech and even brandishing violence as a means to do it, i.e. the recent 'Antifa' violence in America. They call themselves anti-Fascists while they beat the Hell out of anyone that disagrees with them. The ultimate LIE. The truth is Liberals HATE free speech because that is what exposes them for who they are. Fascist Left technocrats are currently stifling free speech across all Social Media platforms in America; all in the name of tolerance. Yes, the word hypocrisy doesn't even occur to them as they do same.
  4. Working for the Poor. The largest crock of $#!) peddled by these vermin but often the hardest to point out. After all Liberals are always fighting for minimum wage (not maximum wage mind you), less hours, more 'benefits', free this and that. That's the poor mans agenda, No!?! The basis of this fight is Marxism. Marxism's core belief is the destruction of private property. What is the number one avenue for a poor man to become prosperous? Private property. The ability to keep the fruits of one's labor and accumulate more than those who are not willing to work as hard as you. Free-Market capitalism and Liberty are the only TRUE combination that allows ascension across class lines. A pauper can be a king. And THAT is exactly what Liberals want to take away from the proletariat. And yet, notice that they never suggest giving it up themselves? No, the New Bourgeoisie continue hoarding their private property while making it impossible for you to accumulate yours. But they promise to take care of you worthless peons. Therefore you get Al Gore preaching the end of economic growth worldwide in the name of the god Global Warming while he builds a mansion in Tennessee and flies all over the world in fossil fuel burning, pollution spewing private jets and limousines. Bernie Sanders spews class warfare while he buys a new mansion in the mountains with the money he has pilfered from misguided plebes. Hillary Clinton lectures us on equality while she and her husband bilk the Haitians out of millions after a tragedy. Despicable people, LYING to accumulate the very private property they would deny you from having.
  5. Finally and quickly; how rich is it that the Party that is more Communist than the Russians, now attempts to use Cold War fear of the purveyors of communism, the Russians, to accuse a populist president of somehow colluding with the Ruskies to, I don't know bring Russian freedom, Liberty and capitalism back to America? It is insane and can only be done by a Party whose ENTIRE livelihood is based on ignorance and lies. Pathetic.
Make America Great Again.

(Yes, THAT is evil now. Teachers kick kids out of school for professing this. Welcome to Democrat Socialist America)

by: Keith D. Rodebush

August 15, 2017

RED Supremacists


Much is being made lately of those evil 'White Supremacists'. It would be almost laughable, if not so damned tragic. People are dying, being maimed and blinded over a very small, sardonically stupid group of wannabes who really think they're going to get the Nazi band back together. They had protests in my hometown when I was growing up. It was always a small group, we mostly ignored or laughed at them, and the police were always out in force to protect their 'right to free speech' without having the town blown up with violence. They were and are a joke. Here we are 40 years later and the Fascist Left would have us believe they are an existential threat to America. Again laughable if not tragic. The truth behind this idiocy is that the Fascist Left is losing in America at the ballot box. They have been for quite some time. If you took the first Black (Red) president out of the mix in fact, many would question whether the Democrats were even a viable American political Party at this point.

Oddly enough, the reason for their demise is exactly what they think sustains them. While they may be able to point at a large portion of their youthful base and think it's working, what sustains them is a poisonous concoction delivered like a morphine drip. It is slowly poisoning the Party to imminent death and the Munchausen Media keep resuscitating them to spew another volley of destruction at the very nation that allows their freedom to be stupid. What pray tell is this deadly elixir? Hate and division right out of the Marxist playbook. Friedrich Engels wrote about it incessantly for decades in all the many variations of the Communist Manifesto in all the different languages that it was printed. Don't expect your average Antifa idiot to know about this; they only know what they've been told to know. They don't read hardback books and they don't think critically.

Yes, my friends it is not White Supremacy that is bringing America to the precipice of destruction, it is Red Supremacy. That's right, good old fashioned communism albeit with a new hairdo and better clothes right off the Abercrombie rack. Marxian idealism has permeated our culture and colleges for so long that we have at least two generations coming of age who know no different than that Socialism is cool and righteous and constitutional republicanism is a quaint racist scam perpetrated on an unsuspecting populace of rubes without the sophistication of this new proletariat we've bred. They have the internet, you know . These mal-educated feral Faustian's have the Devil as their Schwager and the vitality of youth. They are useful idiots of the first order being led by nefarious groups who make trillions of dollars off of their efforts. They also have not a clue what they are fighting for.

Gone are the days of deriding Socialists for destroying economies and thereby hurting the very people they claim to represent. The poor are always the hardest hit when economies fail. Hello Venezuela. Seen Sean Penn or Danny Glover down there lately? No, the vermin scatter like the disease infested scum they are when the inevitable result of their ignorance befalls the people caught in the wake of their Utopian orgasm. Gone are the days of blacklisting anyone idiotic enough to publicly admit their traitorous Red leanings. Gone are the days of teaching our children of the countless MILLIONS of human beings whose rotting corpses make up the altar base for worshipping the Red heroes. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Ho chi Min, Pol Pot, Chiang Kai-shek, Kim il Sung, Che Guevara, the list goes on and the death toll is unfathomable and yet THESE are their kindred souls though very few could possibly be convinced, their capacity for thought being so ephemeral.
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,You ain't gonna make it with anyone any how. - John Lennon
How wrong he turned out to be. Just so happens if you keep at it long enough, infiltrate the school system in the face of disinterested parents; you can make Chairman Mao a bigger hero than Thomas Jefferson just like the Democrats have done in 21st century America!

The Red Supremacy is ONLY possible through the Munchausen Media. They have been entirely infested with Red fever and all pretense is off. They openly espouse Socialist mantra on a daily basis without so much as a fleeting thought to it's inherent evil. The cycle of sickness and resurrection continues as the Fascist Left alienates themselves from the visceral core of every true American; Liberty and Justice for ALL. No not just the chosen few. All Americans deserve justice. Do we get justice from a Democrat president? No, we get lies, political intrigue, partisan deviation from legal norms. Black Panthers guilty? NO! How about a Christian baker? CRUCIFY him! Protect our embassy? NO! Let them DIE, we'll blame it on a video. Outsider in the Oval Office? Oh, HELL no! We'll stage a relentless coup against the will of the American people. All to protect the new Bourgeoisie of the Red Supremacy. Their arrogance and condescension is palpable. They justify their ruthless tactics because they are SUPREME. They know sooo much more than you Plebes. Step aside and be ruled Peons! THIS is the Red Supremacy and it is destroying the country that I love!! May they be damned to HELL.

This is the true fight. It is a Civil War make no mistake. I do not use that language lightly for it is fraught with horrible consequences. But it is the proper language when a nation is invaded by a Red Army determined to 'fundamentally change' America. We knew what it meant back then but you cowardly guilt-ridden suburban Whites thought you could assuage your guilt by voting for a 'Black' man. Well, you didn't vote for a Black man you voted for a RED man and a pitiful smidgeon of research would have told you so. I knew it before he even won the nomination. Why didn't you?

If you are a Black man in America, you better trust me Brother! You have WAAAYYYY more to fear from a Red Communist Utopian fanatic than you ever have, in my lifetime, from a marginalized Neo-Nazi with a bad haircut and a homemade T-shirt. Don't forget, Nazi's were National Socialists, yes Red Supremacists! When it comes time to stomp the shit out of some Nazi ass-wagons, call me! I'll come running. But our true fight right now is the Red Supremacy. Please join me in stomping the shit out of them! Let's make it cool to hate Commies again! And please, the next time you are exercising your God-given right to protest, and you find a douchebag next to you waving a Nazi flag; stomp his face and throw his flag in the trash...and let the world see you do it. And if you are asked why you did it, you tell them that you don't allow Red Supremacy in the United States of by GOD America! Amen. Keith D. Rodebush

P.S. I apologize for my language. When my passions are high the Marine comes out and I find my rhetorical skills wanting to impart the passion properly. Perhaps a better study of Literature would have buttressed the self-made man.

March 16, 2017

Perhaps I Could Stand a Lil' Bit of Peril?


Where else to look for the Pearls of intergalactic wisdom than Monty Python?

While obviously sophomoric in nature, as with so many Monty Python skits there is always a very intelligent underlying message. Sir Galahad is being 'rescued' from extreme peril. Yet he is reluctant, for the peril also involves great temporary pleasure; ' must spank all of us.' As they retreat he asks, 'Perhaps I could stand a lil' bit of peril?' This otherwise dismissible comedy scene is a microcosm of modern American dalliance with Marxism. As a Christian nation we are susceptible to the siren's song of compassion. As the corrupt and deceitful politician plays our heart strings claiming to 'help the poor' with the latest rendition of government 'charity' we instinctively know that they are charlatans and the peril of tyranny awaits us. But we would be such good people if we could just help a few of our neighbors. Perhaps we could stand a lil' bit of peril?

As with the blatant evil of Castle Anthrax, Marxism wears it's evil on it's sleeve as well. The very fact that Socialism, Progressivism etc. are all inextricably tied to communist ideology should be enough to repel any reasonable visitor. Yet even the evil expressed in the name is not enough to dissuade the average American. They talk so eloquently about helping people and loving each other should we really judge them on their record of devastation? Perhaps they are evil, but they seem so sincere to help people; maybe we could stand a lil' bit of peril?

But of course a lil' bit of peril is nevertheless peril. Can one enter the Castle of Anthrax and expect to exit unscathed? Of course the evil always comes with a gift doesn't it? Like the 'crossroads' the Devil is always willing to supply a little sin of the flesh for a soul. What suckers we are. Infantile weakness in the face of evil will destroy nations and ultimately kill millions of human beings. This fact is well documented in History. But we don't study History anymore do we? Socialism provides the promise of Utopia for a little bit of peril, a small loss of Liberty. Just give us a little bit of your soul and we will provide the solace of charity. You will feel so good during the spanking; nevermind the peril.

We laugh at Sir Galahad because we all know that it's easier to see the truth from above. He didn't notice the peril and even when his friends tried to rescue him he insisted he could handle it. We've all known friends in situations very similar. They believe they are in control but we all see they are spiraling down. America is spiraling down. Primarily because a good number of God-fearing Christians honestly believe that they can stand a lil' bit of peril, if only it means their peers will know that they CARE.

Question: Is visiting even just a lil' bit of peril on your fellow Man, just so your ego is satisfied, a caring action or a selfish one? Hmmm. Kinda answers itself does it not? Don't be Sir Galahad when it comes to Liberals destroying the greatest nation ever conceived on God's Earth.

Keith D. Rodebush

February 25, 2017

What Is Fascism?

For all my undeservedly long life, I have heard the term Fascist! thrown about with zeal towards the enemy of the day for this faction or that. Early on I decided to study same to see just what makes one a Fascist. It became very clear that the basis of the majority of the spittled derogatory was founded in a lie of Liberalism. It is a testament to the importance of education to witness this vitriolic hatred of Fascists projected upon their innocent enemy; We The People. The truth, a crystal of ice in the glacier of public discourse, is so easily found yet so universally ignored. I venture to say that most Americans, and 98% of ‘smart people’ do not know what Fascism really means.

My early investigation consisted of history books and documentaries about Mussolini and Hitler, the two universally known Fascists in World History. It didn’t take long to realize that these two vile individuals did not fit the majority of the people who were being called Fascist. Barry Goldwater, an Arizona Senator and 1964 presidential candidate, was called a Fascist; as was Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Malcolm X and the National Front (a UK group on the rise in the ‘70’s). Even Jews were (and are still) called Fascists. The oddity of course, is that none of these individuals or groups champion(ed) State control; a central tenet of Fascism! How can this be? Again, it is borne in the womb of Liberal ideology; LYING.

All aspects of Liberalism are lies; they must be. The core principle of Liberalism/Marxism/Communism et al, is control. They seek to control your life. Of course, the purveyors of this evil learned very early on that if you tell people you intend to control them they naturally reject the notion. It is counter-intuitive to human nature to be controlled. Therefore, all strategizing concerning the implementation of Liberal Ideology must hide the true intent. They must lie to spread their faith. This has not always been true. They used to use violence and armed revolution to spread their evil. But they always failed. Therefore, they have morphed into a ‘democratic’ revolution which requires them to actually win elections in Western democracies. Hence the need to lie in order to win. None other than Barak Hussein Obama noted this very transition when he said (and I am paraphrasing) “…I came to understand that we would not achieve this change through violent revolution, but by working within the system…” How ironic that now, having failed miserably to capitalize on his victories, culminating in the humiliating defeat of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump; this very man is reverting to the old stand-by of violence, funding and coordinating riots across America to ‘protest’ the election of Mr. Trump.

Barak Obama provides a perfect segway to what has become a resurgence of the term, Fascist; first by his opponents and more recently by his followers. This rekindled my interest in the actual facts about Fascism. My latest reading, Fascism: The Career of a Concept has author and professor Paul E. Gottfried attempting to inform us that we are too loose with our charge, that Fascism is a reaction of the revolutionary ‘Right’ to the revolutionary ‘Left’. He goes on to contend that in modern times, no revolutionary ‘Left’ exists and therefore, there can be no Fascism. Were it to be so easy.

Jonah Goldberg contends in Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to The Politics of Change (way too long a title there Jonah) that Fascism is solely a construct of the ‘Left’, a conclusion the aforementioned Mr. Gottfried finds over-simplistic. What is one to do in this age of Fake News and propaganda? When ‘documentaries’ are no more than political hit pieces? When academia is more concerned with bathroom attendance than intellectual discourse? When the greatest of sports heroes are more involved in killing cops than scoring a touchdown? How is the average Joe supposed to know what a Fascist really is?

Here’s a thought. How about we ask the undisputed, world renown, hands down, bar none Father of Fascism, Benito Mussolini

"Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity." - Benito Mussolini

In rejecting democracy Fascism rejects the absurd conventional lie of political equalitarianism, the habit of collective irresponsibility, the myth of felicity and indefinite progress. But if democracy be understood as meaning a regime in which the masses are not driven back to the margin of the State, and then the writer of these pages has already defined Fascism as an organized, centralized, authoritarian democracy. – Benito Mussolini (emphasis mine)

The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves the individual adequate elbow room. It has curtailed useless or harmful (who decides?) liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the State only. – Benito Mussolini (emphasis mine)

Please read these quotes several times…digest them. There is one over-riding construct; the State rules emphatically. Now YOU tell me, who does this sound like? Liberals or conservatives?

There is no Left or Right. That is the fallacy of modern political discourse. There is only Liberty or Tyranny. Which of these does Fascism, as defined by its universally accepted father, describe? Who tells you what size of soda you can purchase? What kind of car you may drive? What type of light bulb you may use? Who you must serve? What wages you must pay? What you may do with your land that you own? What you can own? How you can defend yourself? Who must pay for baby murder? How many immigrants you must absorb? What you can say and what you cannot? Who? Of course you know….Democrats. Liberals. ‘Progressives’. Marxists. Communists. In other words, the Fascist ‘Left’.

Now that you know who the Fascists really are; what are you going to do about it?


Yours in Liberty,

Keith D. Rodebush